Wow...this quote shocked me...but it is somewhat true. In a minor way, I feel like I experienced something similar, and I have enough of a grasp of what it means to feel that way to be able to start relating to it. As a dancer in a company, when you feel like no one expects something of you, you feel worthless. You start questioning everything and often make questionable choices to try to fix things (e.g. starving yourself thinking they don't like you because you are too big, or overtraining in your free time because they make you feel like you are not good enough - Both of these things MAY lead to injuries...). The picture is so broad and complex, but in reality, it is also quite simple: people will raise to the expectation one has of them...and if the expectations are none...they might 'regress' to them. It really makes me understand the paramount importance, as a teacher (but as a human being in general), to make others understand and acknowledge their value, and the expectations one has of them. It is of key importance for students to understand their worth, and how much people believe in them...
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