Back to School

I've been out of university for almost 10 years now... and what a privilege it feels to be able to go back to school. I am studying because I WANT to study... not because I HAVE to, or because I have something to prove... .

What a shift in perspective... .

And how internally revolutionising this feels. 

I am incredibly grateful for all the intellectually stimulating exchanges this course is offering me. For the questions it is raising in me, the structure for reflection it is providing me, and for showing me new directions in which to watch.

I feel like I am uncovering every day a new layer of understanding of the question: 'Who am I as a learner?'.

I hadn't questioned this for a while... and just by doing that I feel like I have unlocked a new chapter of my journey, and I have a new pair of goggles with which to explore the world. 

Although my daily life has pretty much stayed the same... the way in which I approach things has completely changed. I have a refound sense of enthusiasm and joy for actions that had almost become second nature to me... and this honestly feels like a gift. 

It is incredible how validating it feels to be able to reflect back on these past 10 years, and thanks to a mindfully thought through mediation*, be able to find true purpose in them. 

I am really happy I am doing this course now, as I am aware that I wouldn't have been able to truly appreciate it any time before. 

Has anybody else experienced this 180° shift in perspective since starting this Masters Program? How has it transformed your approach to your everyday tasks?

Thank you all so much for reading!

Have an amazing day,


*Referring back to Chapter 5 of A Handbook of Reflective and Experiential Learning.

Picture by Johannes Blattner (featuring Eleonora Pennacchini, Damian Gmür, Leon Damm, Dario Wilmington)


  1. Hi Elly :)
    I have experienced this shift too... it is such a refreshing feeling to look back on all my years of training and performing leaving me thinking about what my role is in all of this.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Deeksha :)

    1. Thank you so much for reading & leaving a comment! :)
      Have a wonderful day!


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