
Picture credit: We had two incredible writing classes the past few weeks with Peter Thomas and Sam Murray. I enjoyed them beyond what I could have expected, as they truly made me think of writing in a complete different manner. I've always seen writing as a functional or creative tool, but I never really considered it as a means of learning. This is quite a 'revolutionising' shift in perspective for me, as I believe it will change a lot in my personal practice. I decided to give a go to the 'free flow' writing exercise we were introduced to in our first class, to figure out what I really wanted to share here on my blog. I was surprised by the result, as when we allow our brain to wander on the blank page, things we couldn't foresee do start to surface. One thing I could have never anticipated, is how free flow writing can help reveal diverse perspectives on things one has within oneself. Yes...I know this sounds bizarre, but I actually think that I...